Monday, April 11, 2011

Update :)

I said I would update, so here I go!  :)

We had another kinda big earthquake on Thurs/Fri morning.  That's one thing that does trouble me, a late night earthquake.  Just the thought of being half in a dream state and shook out of bed to the house shaking is no bueno!  I was watching a movie in the living room, while Gilbert was in bed.  The power immediately turned off.  This quake seemed to go on and on.  Since the big 8.9, we have had hundreds, and I mean well over 900+ aftershocks.  Some are so small, we don't notice, others have been more powerful but still don't really phase us. I started my way to the bedroom in the pitch black, didn't even think to grab my phone for light.  Was actually pushed around from the shaking and had a hard time walking the path to the room.  Gilbert of course was awake and on his way to me.  Our first thoughts were of the last quake.  But we knew it wasn't as strong as "the big one".  We wondered how long the power would be out.  Maybe 10 minutes pass, and Berto went back to sleep.  :)  We are ole' veterans at this earthquake stuff!  I was too wired now and was wide awake.  Then we hear honking at our driveway.  Our friend, Arsenio came by.  His wife and son are in Florida on the voluntary evacuation.  He ended up sleeping on the couch. 

Now, just so everyone knows.  I do not fear another big quake.  I don't think one will happen, I am not under stress about it.  I had a voluntary evacuation available to me, but chose against this.  I had a few reasons for my decision.  Mainly, I didn't want to be away from Berto.  (We have spent many months of deployments away from each other over the years.  I just couldn't go, willingly.)  I had also already spent a month in MN back in November, it just seemed too soon to go again.  I love my family and would love to see them.  But it's somewhat difficult to live out of a suitcase and not be at home for a whole month.  Another issue I had was that they would extend the month long voluntary evacuation.  And now because of this last quake, they WILL be extending.  Two months is way too long, and exactly what I thought might happen.  I'm glad I stayed with my hubby!  I would have gone crazy without my Berto! 

We're pretty prepared when an earthquake happens.  We have enough bottled water,  candles, food, etc.  On Friday we automatically thought about getting our friends together like we did last time.  Last time it was a tough experience, but I'm not gonna lie, we had a lot of fun despite the situation.  We grilled and made delicious foods, pulled together and entertained each other.  There was cards, Monopoly, some music until our sources drained of power.  So, we talked about getting together again.  The power ended up kicking on in the mid afternoon.  But we had already planned to get together.  So, we grilled "Stevie Special" Bertos famous chicken, hot links, my grilled seasoned potatoes and veggies.  Brats, Velvetta shells, rice.  Simple food that the guys would like, they're NOT fancy!  HA!  The guys played Playstation then we broke in to two groups for Taboo.  Never played before but realized I am GREAT at this game!  And also was glad Berto was NOT on my team because he is NOT great at it!  HA!  :)

We're fine.  Please don't worry about us.  Misawa still isn't the same, but is trying to get back to normal.  We can't travel more than 15-20 miles, but that is just a precaution.  We had a GREAT day out today!  The first time that we have been out to eat since the big earthquake.  It had been over a month.  We had a wonderful  day and I will write about it tomorrow with some pictures.  

If I'm leaving anything out, please let me know!  :)

Missing my familia and friends!  Special love to my M-O-M, Ana and Lisa.  xoxo

Kristina & Gilberto

1 comment:

  1. I understand your situation. I think of being away from Jim and it's not even something I could consider. I think the longest I've been away from him is a week, and that seemed like forever!

    We hope to see you when we see you :) We need to get better at doing some skype video calls! Today James wore his soft fleece jacket from you and I reminded him that his Tia Kiki gave it to him. At that reminder he gave me a Kiki kiss and I missed you, not just in that moment but always!
