Monday, March 14, 2011

9.0 Earthquake--March 11, 2011

I normally don't blog very much, but under Japans circumstances it's probably a good idea. First of all, we are fine. There weren't any reported injuries of anyone here in Misawa.

The earthquake happened at 2:46 pm on Friday. I was home only with the cats. We aren't strangers to earthquakes, we've had many in the past year and 8 months. This one knocked down various things in the house. Gilberts sword cases and other stuff broke. Lots of my kokeshi dolls fell, but are fine.

The whole house was shaking. The ceiling fans were swaying back and forth. This was the only earthquake that scared me so far. The cats were freaking out, poor things didn't understand what was going on. Gilbert tried calling me 45 times!! But no calls went through. I was relieved when he was home a couple of hours later.

Our house was temporary lodging for our friends, we had 9 people at our busiest. We all pulled together our resources of food and candles. We pulled out the grill and had some great food. Having a side burner really helped. Then were able to use our stove when we found out it was safe. That really helped to keep our house warm. after a day and a half the power kicked on as well as phone service.

The commissary was open on Saturday, but was crazy busy. Also, really long lines to get gas on base. We got some things that we needed yesterday. They put limits on water and bread. No candles were left.

They have power on base now, but no heat. They are limiting the power to family housing, so none for barracks and other buildings. Gilbert sponsored a newcomer to Misawa, Rose, she's been here 2 weeks. She stays in barracks,so we went to get her yesterday and she spent the night in our spare bedroom. We told her she was welcome anytime. Her and another newbie will be over later to do laundry.

Our Internet connection has been horrible the last few months, but has nothing to do with the earthquake. So, we still can't really use Skype to call our families yet. We have 3G Internet access on our phones. I will continue to update on this blog and of course on Facebook.

Thank you friends and family for your concern!! But please don't worry about us!! We're fine. :)

Much love,
Kristina and Gilberto

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I'm sorry you were alone for the earthquake. I would have SHAT my pants! For realz.

    Love you Kiki and Berto!

  2. So glad! Maybe its time to book a vacation safe Minnesota!
